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STAND with Mining Affected communities and demand the Right to say NO! by signing this petition

STAND with Mining Affected communities and demand the Right to say NO! by signing this petition

Mining-affected communities are repeatedly denied what is known as the right to free prior and informed consent (FPIC) when it comes to mining developments in their backyard. You can help them fight for a Right to say NO Right to say NO to mining developments that do not address their interests.

“The concept of the ‘Right to say No’ is based on the need for FPIC, an important step towards the right to self-determined development,” say the organisers of the campaign.

The campaign stresses the communities’ fundamental right not only to be involved in and informed about plans that affect them but also – in cases of unsatisfying outcomes of negotiating processes – to say ‘No’ to the proposals.

The communities need at least one million signatures by April 25 2018 to present a united front at the Pretoria High Court, as part of the Xolobeni community’s court case against an application by Transworld Energy and Minerals to mine titanium along the Wild Coast.

“We want the court to issue a declaratory order that forbids the Department of Mineral Resources from issuing a mining licence against our will”.

What can you do to help?

Sign this petition to stand in solidarity with ALL mining-affected communities in their fight to have their constitutionally enshrined right to “an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being” realised and protected by the government.

Posted in AIDC Events
One comment on “STAND with Mining Affected communities and demand the Right to say NO! by signing this petition
  1. Buthelezi Bheki says:

    Xolobe in name of Cde Bazuka surprime ultimate prize paid for people of Xolobeni like Marikana and other part of our country side ,which will soon show itself uglue face during consultation on the rush to sign the “mining charter” WE DEMAND FULL CONSIDERATION OF FAIRLY AND JUST TRANSPARENCY, PARTICIPATION OF ALL RESIDENCE poor and rich, in line with the recently won case by mining affected communities.

    Phambili ngomzabalazo phambili!!!

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