Progressive Youth Movement (PYM) was formed in 2011 by young people in Khayelitsha. In the Western Cape, Khayelitsha is the fastest growing township with a population of almost half million people. The population of Khayelitsha is fairly young at the average age of 35 years. More than 40 % of the economically active population is unemployed. Those who are employed are supporting the household of between three and ten people. Only a third of the population has passed Grade 12 and less than 50% has some secondary education.
Although there has been some development in Khayelistha since its establishment in early 1980s there are still lacks most basic services. A significant number of people has not flashing toilets, live in informal settlement, share water taps! City of Cape Town 2011, census painted a grim picture of the social conditions in Khayelisha. This movement of young people was formed to respond to these conditions.
The Progressive Youth Movement is not aligned to any political party. It has a constitution that was adopted at its recent Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) where a leadership committee was elected. PYM has offices in Site B equipped with basic office infrastructure.