AIDC submission on the 2024 Revised Fiscal Framework and Revenue Proposals
The AIDC submission addresses the National Treasury’s fiscal policies, including the disproportionate weighting placed on debt-to-GDP as opposed to targeting reductions in poverty, inequality and unemployment.
COSATU National Day of Action: A Stand for Decent Work and Working-Class Solidarity
To mark the International Day for Decent Work, COSATU organised a National Day of Action, a crucial event that advocates for social and economic justice and highlights the ongoing struggles of workers globally.
Rights for the People rules for TNCs: First impressions on the updated draft treaty on TNCs and human rights
Statement of the Global Campaign, 11th of September 2023 The Global Campaign to Reclaim People’s Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity (Global Campaign) is a worldwide network of over 250 social movements, civil society organisations, trade unions and communities…
AIDC statement on the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill: Let’s keep our energy affordable!
On Friday 13 October, the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC) made a submission on the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill advocating for the halting of the independent transmission company setup process. Last month, the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and…
Maps Are Now Our Spears: Launch of New Participatory Digital Counter-Maps of Xolobeni
Counter-mapping is used worldwide by marginalised, often indigenous populations to contest top-down, extractive-oriented development plans and to showcase grassroots/community-led alternatives.
Stop Budget Cuts: Defend our basic services!
A coalition of trade unions, social movements, and progressive movements will march together in unity against government budget cuts.