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AIDC Resource and Information Centre (RIC) Library

AIDC hosts one of the most exciting libraries of progressive books and magazines. The collection contains material essential for those wanting to come to terms with the global crisis in all its dimensions as well as books examining the post Apartheid transition.

Few libraries in the country contain the material that AIDC has gathered on such issues as globalisation, finacialisation, political economy, climate change, energy, food sovereignty and so many other topics essential for activists today. Books covering debates and analysis on social movements, labour, patriarchy, gender and sexuality are just a few of the subjects that can be found in the library.

For whom:

  • Trade Unionists,
  • Students,
  • Activists,
  • NGO workers,
  • and all those interested in understanding our rapidly changing world.

AIDC has more than 8000 books, monographs, magazines and journals that can be borrowed by members of the Resource and Information Centre. We have also created quiet spaces where activists can access the online catalogue, read and study. Knowledge is power. The AIDC Resource and Information Centre is the gateway towards enhanced understanding, information and knowledge.

Contact us:

129 Rochester Road
Observatory, Cape Town


Phone: 021 447 5770