AIDC Resource and Information Centre Library
A space for activists and all those interested in understanding our rapidly changing world
AIDC hosts one of the most exciting libraries of progressive books, magazines and documentary films. The collection contains material essential for those wanting to come to terms with the global crisis in all its dimensions as well as books examining the post Apartheid transition.
Few libraries in the country contain the material that AIDC has gathered on such issues as globalisation, finacialisation, political economy, climate change, energy, food sovereignty and so many other topics essential for activists today.
Books covering debates and analysis on social movements, labour, patriarchy, gender and sexuality are just a few of the subjects that can be found in the library.
AIDC has more than 8000 books, monographs, magazines and journals that can be borrowed by members of the Resource and Information Centre. We have also created quiet spaces where activists can access the on-line catalogue, read and study. Knowledge is power. The AIDC Resource and Information Centre is the gateway towards enhanced understanding, information and knowledge.
You can access the online catalogue here
For whom
- Trade Unionists
- Students
- Activists
- NGO workers
and all those interested in understanding our rapidly changing world
Contact and opening hours
9am – 5pm
129 Rochester Road
Observatory, Cape Town
+27 21 447 5770
Wow guys this is really amazing to see the Aidc Library’s link..
Reading an interesting book by Mackenzie Wark in the library with quotes that I like in the book “We do not own what we produce it own us
Hackers use their knowledge and their wits to maintain their autonomy
Land is the detachment of a resource from nature
Education is a slavery,education enchains the mind and make it a resource for class power,the nature of the enslavement will reflect the current state of the class struggle for knowledge within the apparatus(not everyone is meant to be academic with your skills,talent naturally within but we are brainwashed to think in order to be successful life you must work not self employ when capital requires hands to do its dirty work education merely trains useful hands to tend machines and docile bodies meant to accept as natural
The Intensification of Surveillance is a book by Kirstie Ball and Frank Webster.It focuse on the rise on surveillance across the world ever since 9/11 in the US.However wht interested me is the Aamericanization of the entire world by the US military as well as US intelligence agencies.
In the book its shown that the management of these intelligence agencies is decentralized across the world.Each able to operate completely independet of the other.
As we have seen the rise of talks on intelligence gathering methodologies in SA including technology,this so happens that its the US governments priority that technologies of mass intelligence gathering should be on the rise across the world.And one would imagine that any other government besides the US would also follow suit.Mentioned apart from the US is Europe.
The book then delves deeper into the rules of data mining,joined up surveillance and information warfare.People’s privacy compromised,at what cost? My thinking on intelligence has changed ever since reading this book..
1 November 2017
One million climate jobs booklet launch
The book is clear to the point easy to read for people on the ground,Just transaction to low carbon economy is the future
Review of a Diary of Bergen Belsen 1944-1945 Hanna Levy-Hans
Amira Hass retell the story of her mom surviving Holocaust through her diary her mom wrote when she was in Nazi concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen and how Hanna Levy-Hass escape its a miracle being shipped for being a jew to the Nazi concentration camp of Bergen born before WW1 in Sarajevo in Bosnia a feminist activist and a socialist feminist
Hanna used to tell her daughter Amira when she was a little girl how her family and friends perished at the Bergen and how detention camps were transformed into concentration camps and the method of killing in those camps
A simple mans Kasrils and the Zuma enigma by Ronnie Kasril
Its excellent book to read from another person’s perspectives what better person than Kasril himself who knows Zuma better before the power and being a President that he had the element of greediness,corruption,sly and dangerous and no respect for woman hiding behind a culture,a flawed administration from a simple man in people’s eyes but deep within,the backbiting,backstabbing,fallouts among the former comrades over rivalry for power and greediness it was never about democracy but to acquire wealth as if its owned to them and real people who fighted for democracy forgotten.Zuma’s manipulation and appointment of ppuppet officials who are kleptocrats just like him