16 August 2012,The Marikana miners‘ strike or Lonmin strike was a wildcat strike at a mine owned by Lonmin in the Marikana. 34 miners were killed in South Africa on this fatal day 2012. A police cover-up was suspected.
4 years since the tragic Marikana Massacre in which 34 people where killed during strike action for a living wage – The Progressive Youth Movement (PYM) will have a screening of the documentary Miners Shot Down, the South African documentary which looks at the Marikana killings (directed by Rehad Desai), in commemoration with the murdered workers and their families.
The screening will take place at Philani, Town 2 (Khayelitsha), Thursday – 25 August 2016.
It is scheduled to start at 17:00.
Contact: NATHI at 079 777 2901 for more information
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