Join us on Monday 22 January 2024, from 18h00 at AIDC Solidarity Centre and via Zoom for the book launch of Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left by Helena Sheehan.
Colin Bundy, the South African-born acclaimed academic, historian and writer, who moved from History Professorships at both UCT and UWC to being Vice Chancellor, at Wits, and to similar positions at both Lonon and Oxford Universities, will be speaking from Oxford on the South African chapter in Helena’s book. Helena has visited South Africa on a number of occasions, which included speaking at AIDC events.
Costas Isychos was the international secretary of Syriza, and alternate minister of defence in the first Syriza government in Greece, and he is still active on the Greek left as part of the leadership of Mera25. He will be speaking more generally about the international dimensions of Helena’s book
Read the book introduction here.
To join online register in advance here.
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For in-person attendance: AIDC Solidarity Centre
129 Rochester Road
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