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Million Climate Jobs monthly meeting – Agenda

One Million Climate Jobs Campaign


9.30 to 12.30

AIDC 129 Rochester Rd, Observatory



  1. Apologies
  2. Introductions
  3. THREAT TO THE POOR: Water’s National Norms and Standards – Marthán Theart (CER)
  4. CAPE TOWN’S WATER CRISIS: What does the future hold? – Kevin Winter (UCT)
  5. The Forgotten Chapter of The National Development Plan – Tasneem Essop (Commissioner, NDP)
  6. The nuclear threat: the rushed IRP – Liz McDaid (SAFCEI)
  7. NERSA: Electricity Price Increase Hearings
    1. Liz McDaid (SAFCEI)
    2. Thembeka Majali (AIDC)
  8. COP 23
    1. James Reeler (WWF)
    2. South African activities?
  9. Report back from community activities arising from previous meeting
    1. Stop – motion films
    2. PYM workshop on biogas digesters
    3. Community garden in Makhaza
    4. Solar water heaters (application forms)
  10. Updates:
    1. Parliamentary questions – Richard Halsey
    2. AIDC Million Climate Jobs Booklet: launches – Thembeka Majali
  11. Report back from Organisations/Groups represented today
  12. Research & other updates
  13. Any other buisness
    • Proposal for date/agenda of the next meeting: 25th January 2018 | Million Climate Jobs Booklet

NB:  The amount of time given to items 9-13 is flexible and will be determined by the time available.

Posted in Monthly Meeting, One Million Climate Jobs

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