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Deconstructing Decolonisation

Deconstructing Decolonisation: Can Racial Assertiveness Cure Imagined Inferiority? Jeff Rudin | Originally Published DailyMaverick | 22 January, 2017 The reader of the short critique of decolonisation I’m about to give should keep in mind the question of what might lie behind the

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The Recolonising Danger of Decolonising Psychology

Amid the chaos in our higher education system, protesting students have been unswerving in their demand for a “decolonised” education. With universities around the country forced into the uncertain task of reimagining their curricula, departments of psychology have also started

Posted in Amandla, Decolonisation

On the Africanisation of Psychology

With the current discourse on “decolonization,” it is likely that universities around South Africa will intensify their efforts—if not their rhetoric—to “Africanize” their respective curricula. For one discipline in particular, however, such efforts have been foundering for more than 30

Posted in Amandla, Decolonisation