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Assembly of the Unemployed, SAFTU and AMCU to launch: “The Cry of the Excluded”

Assembly of the Unemployed, SAFTU and AMCU to launch: “The Cry of the Excluded” 

Issued by The Assembly of the Unemployed, 10 February 2020

Enough is Enough!

The Assembly of the Unemployed (AoU) alongside the South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) and the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) invite you to a Press Conference at 9:30am on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 at Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg.

This event will mark the launch of a year of action against poverty, unemployment, austerity and inequality under the banner of the Cry of the Excluded. This historical collaboration is brought on by the economic, ecological, and social destruction that people in South Africa face on a daily basis. It is inconceivable that after 26 years of so-called freedom so many are without the most basic means of subsistence and are subjected to the indignity of poverty. 

This year of action signals a new shift in the fight for social justice through uniting key forces in social movements, trade unions and civil society. We are saying: “Enough is Enough ”. It cannot be business as usual while many of us are unemployed, facing retrenchments and are without access to the most basic social services.

We call on all to join us in developing a programme of action to end the current malaise brought on by the State’s pursuit of foolish economic policies. South Africa can work, as long as the government and business #WorkForUs!

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday: 

Date:                12 February 2020

Time:               9:30 for 10:00 am

Venue:           Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg

To RSVP for the Press Conference please send an email to or call 021 447 5770. 


To find out more about the Assembly of the Unemployed please contact one of; Ayanda Kota at 0786256462, or Bafana Hlatshwayo at 0769322298 or Khokhoma Motsi at 0734907623 or Pinky Langa 0787842148.

About the AoU:

The Assembly of the Unemployed is an alliance of unemployed people’s organisations including the Unemployed People’s Movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo, Amadiba Crisis Committee, Botshabelo Unemployed Movement, Progressive Civic Movement (formerly Progressive Youth Movement) and the Southern African Green Revolutionary Council.

Posted in Partners
2 comments on “Assembly of the Unemployed, SAFTU and AMCU to launch: “The Cry of the Excluded”
  1. Enigo mhluri makamu says:

    Truth hurts but I’m one of the people that was taken out of the job but this meeting did not mentioned or include us that we were working under joburg manicipalities such as pikitup waist management but only to be replaced by others,we are the rightfull beneficiaries but today we unable to feed our families after we’ve been promised to be reinstated as permanent employees by this first of February 2020,we are know seeking answers on how to fight for what is rightfully ours

  2. nokwanda says:

    good day i want to kindly join the group i am from Kwazulu Natal. i kindly require assistance in terms of how to become a member.

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