“Understanding Brazils general strike:
Six months after Bolsonaro”
25 June, 2019
129 Rochester Road, Observatory
Join us for a talk with Brazilian activists Adriana Gomes Santos and Antonio Neto on Brazil’s General Strike and the Bolsonaro presidency on 25 June 2019, from 18:00 to 20:00 at 129 Rochester Road, Observatory.
On Friday the 14th of June, Brazil will come to a standstill. Workers from various sectors will join the General Strike against the Pension Reform, in defense of Education and by jobs. Segments in the transport sector, public servants, education professionals, metallurgists, bankers, construction workers, petroleum worker’s and traders will join this day of struggle against the Jair Bolsonaro government’s attacks on social security rights, employment and education cuts.
This forum will give an overview of Brazil under the Bolsonaro administration. It will do so by situating Brazil within the broader Global Political Economy, going over the developments that have taken place under Bolsonaro and have led to what is set to be Brazil’s largest general strike in years. In addition the forum will offer an analysis of the state of working class politics and resistance in Brazil during the Bolsonaro era.
About the Presenters:
Adriana Gomes Santos: is an effective teacher at the Federal University of Roraima – UFRR. She received a degree in History from the Federal University of Roraima – UFRR (2007), a Master’s Degree in Social History from the Federal University of Uberlândia – UFU (2013) and is studying PhD in Social History in the Postgraduate Program at the Pontifical Catholic University-PUC / SP.
In addition she has experience in projects of teaching, research and extension in the area of History of the Amazon, with emphasis in the dictatorial period (1964-1985).
Antonio Neto: Is a Brazilian socialist militant, former political prisoner in Argentina and Paraguay, amnestied political and member of international sector of CSP CONLUTAS
Please RSVP to rekang@aidc.org.za by 24 June 2019.
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