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Izwelethu speak out: land, food & jobs (23 September 2017)


23 SEPTEMBER 2017 @ 10:00 – 15:00

Albertina Sisula Road, Town 2, Khayelitsha

(Open Land opposite Chuma Primary School)

People have been on the housing waiting list for more than 20 years.  Promises of Decent Housing for All were made in 1994, more than two decades later and many continue to face rising unemployment, overcrowding and poverty. In Town 2, Khayelitsha and all around the country, people feel that the time has come for community members to look for real alternatives instead of continuing to wait on empty promises.

For this reasons we are hosting a Speak-Out on land occupations to raise awareness on the issues of land and housing, in order to highlight the responses from the communities in relation to the socio-economic issues we face today..

Our purpose is to voice our concerns and to unite the community towards building the struggle for land and decent housing for all. Even though we recognize that the issue of land is not the only challenge we face, but we feel that a real effort to bring about land reform will by an indication that we are moving in the right direction towards a freer and more fair society.

Its not only about land in Khayelitsha or in townships 30km’s from the city center. We demand access to the city. We want land for living, land for community initiatives and co-operatives, land for recreation, and land for food.

Through the speak out we hope to strengthen and unite movements occupying land in the Western Cape. Together we believe that a united community will be able to bring about real radical economic transformation everywhere.

We invite everyone to listen to the sharing of struggles for land, food and jobs in the Western Cape. Including speakers from:

  1. Izwelethu
  2. Marikana
  3. Suurbrak

Forward to social economic justice in our life time 

For more info contact:

  1. Alakhe – 083 511 0033 or
  2. Mpumie  065 834 0145
Posted in Partners

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