Oh no, not another newsletter! Don’t we all get some interesting newsletters full of interesting content – and yet we never read them? Luckily, this one hopes to be the exact opposite.
So what’s different about it?
First and foremost, this is not a one-way traffic. Why should writers control the topic and tone of discussions whilst readers just passively consume contents? We want more than that: Amandla! Ulutsha wants to oppose the usual hierarchy of knowledge production. With this newsletter, we are providing a platform which gives room for discussion and debate. It is a space for all active people who want to share, discuss and engage on any issue that affects them: thoughts, reflections or concerns about movements, struggles or any other political, social or environmental topic. It can be critical, controversial, inspiring or very personal, and it can come in any form of expression. We are building our future in the present, and this future will be built on diversity and creativity.
Amandla! Ulutsha wants to show resistance to all forms of oppressions taking place around the world, and to amplify the idea of alternatives, showing where and how they exist already and what we can learn from those processes. It will be structured in a way that is creative and dynamic, in an effort to make the debate interesting and fun. Watch out for regular features including Mafuku (the editorial), a featured video and exciting things to look out for – including upcoming events. We hope this will spark discussion, leading to a vibrant and dynamic newsletter. Continue the conversation on social media platforms and other channels.
We provide the space. Now use it.
Discuss at #AmandlaTalks
Email info@amandla.org.za
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